National Conference and Business Fair (23-27 June 2019) in Baltimore, Maryland jointly organized by International Finance Corporation (IFC) and WEConnect International.

Fair Trade Day 2019

Tarango BD celebrated World Fair Trade Day on 11 May, 2019 with its women artisans in Dhaka like all over counties of the world. The message of the day is to ensure fair wages for the workers, safe workplace and no gender discrimination.
Director, U Thein Maung, Adviser Emdadul Haque, Admn. Head Abul Hossain, Project Coordinator Nazlee Jamal and Project Manager Satya Ranjan Dasspoke on the occasion.
All gave different examples of how Tarango BD has been adhering the rules of fair trade since its inception in 1989. All were in consensus to work in a sense of togetherness to alleviate the image of Tarango BD further thus establishing it as a trend setting outfit of Social Business.
The event ended with a documentary show on Tarango BD and its Women Boat Race at Barisal !!
The CEO, Tarango BD Kohinoor Yeasmin could not attend the event because of her pre-occupation with other important meeting outside TARANGO. However, the CEO sent a message for the success of the event
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