Promotion of Environment Friendly and Specialized Loom Product under the Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)

Objective: To improve the capacity of loom entrepreneurs especially women, develop natural dying specialized loom products & create linkage with the premium market for environment-friendly loom products.
Project Location |
: Karatia Branch, Karatia Sadar, Tangail |
Direct& indirect Beneficiaries |
: Direct-150 & Indirect 200 |
Budget |
: BDT. 3,18,00000 |
Duration of the project |
: 2 years (From July’21 to June’23) |
Funded by |
: World Bank |
Supported by |
: Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) & implemented by TARANGO |
Interventions for Revenue generating common service facilities development :
- Promotion of natural dyeing products (Sales Centre)
- Common service center for natural dyeing
- Support for purchase of natural dyeing plant materials
Interventions for Non-Revenue generating physical activities :
- Model Microenterprise development for natural dying
- Renovation of natural dyeing factory (Dhaka)
- Support service for the promotion of natural dyeing products (Sales center)
- Virtual marketing platform
Interventions for Capacity development of MEs:
-Skill Development & Business Planning Training
-Production & Promotion of diversified loom products
-Knowledge dissemination & sharing
- On job technical training
Initiatives to Increase Eco Labeling and Access to Premium Markets :
- Environmental Certification: Awareness development, motivating, and linage with DoE, SGS, Bureau Veritas & other relevant agencies through the workshop for Environmental certification
- Product Certification: Awareness development, motivating, and linkage with respective agencies (SGS, IYS, BV etc.) through the workshop for product certification
- Business Certification: Awareness development, motivating and linkage with Union Council through the workshop for trade license
- Brand Promotion of diversified loom products: Demonstration of diversified loom products and brand promotion for excising premium market